Weight Watchers International Cookbook
/This is a 1977 edition with introduction by the Weight Watchers founder. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Weight Watchers International Cookbook
Before Keto, Noom and intermittent fasting, way before my Navy days, there was only one US weight loss diet program and that was Weight Watchers. I’m sure there were others but this was the one my mother’s doctor recommended she follow.
The program was a success, according to my doctor, because it emphasized good food in small portions combined with daily exercise. Eat less, move more is the foundation of loosing weight but it’s helpful to have a little delicious help along the way.
I can remember my mother “going on Weight Watchers” in the mid 1970s. I had moved away from home by then but visited as often as I could to spend time with my youngest brother still at home.
Mom had several favorite recipe books including Weight Watchers International Cookbook with an introduction by the founder of Weight Watchers. Mom seemed happy about having that kind of introduction. Now if you asked me what dishes she cooked out of this book, I couldn’t tell you, we had such a wonderfully varied menu growing up because we lived overseas, we would try anything. And we did.
I do remember giving her a little collection of paperback cookbooks featuring international cuisine for one of her birthdays. I now have those in my kitchen as much as a memory of her as cooking inspiration.
Sample recipes from Weight Watchers International Cookbook. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Of all of the things we collect, I think cookbooks may have some of the strongest memories. Food, family, sharing a meal - strongly imprint on all of us.
As I hopefully whittle away some weight I would rather not have, I’m going to try to find some favorite recipes made healthier.
Or better yet, I may find some new ones to try!