Cheese Crisps
/These are mozzarella cheese crips ready to enjoy with soup. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)say
Cheese Crisps
So easy to make, cheese crisps are a nice alternative to say salty, potato-based products. Well, that’s why I decided to make them. Who doesn’t enjoy the cheese topping on a pizza?
I wanted something to add to the top of a soup or as a side to a salad instead of a bread product.
How to Make Cheese Crips
Heat oven to 400F.
Line pan with parchment paper or spray with non-stick butter.
Keep the cheese mounds equal size when making them. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
Make a 2-inch pile of shredded cheese of your choice. Both mozzarella and parmesan work well.
Optional: sprinkle with black pepper.
Bake until golden around the edges, about 8 minutes.
Let cool. I cooled mine on a paper towel to absorbed the non-stick butter.
Now here’s the trick. Turn them over to have the golden brown side up.
Add to a soup or as a side to a salad.