Cherry Pie Taste Test
/One of the many things I enjoy about the holidays is taste-testing dishes. At a community lunch December 2015, we were offered two choices: a regular cherry pie and a sugar free cherry pie.
As a fan of cherries of all kinds, my friend Ina and I decided to run an ever-not-so-scientific study to determine if there was a difference in the taste of the pies. Maybe they used an artificial sweetener, we surmised. Perhaps the filing had honey, or they used different cherries. There was no end to our speculation of what the difference was in these two delectable desserts.
Here were our two test subjects:
We tested these two cherry pies: sugar free on the left, regular cherry pie on the right.
Once we had fork in hand, we analyzed the most controversial part of a pie, the crust. It was flaky without being dry. Excellent start.
Next bite, one from the sugar free cherry pie.
SUGAR FREE CHERRY PIE BEING Taste tested against a regular cherry pie.
regular cherry pie with a sugar topping as the second taste test subject.
Any guess of what we found?
The cherry pie fillings were the same. The only difference between the two cherry pies was that the regular cherry pie had an egg wash and sugar sprinkled on top and the sugar free cherry pie did not.
Did I miss the sugar topping?
Absolutely not. Actually I preferred the cherry pie without the sweet topping. Good thing since that was the slice of pie I chose to finish!