Snowman on Cinnamon Holiday Winter Decoration

Snowman holiday winter decoration features a 4-inch fleece snowman on cinnamon stick.s

Snowman holiday winter decoration features a 4-inch fleece snowman on cinnamon stick.s

Snowman on Cinnamon Holiday Winter Decoration

Ever since a former colleague told me she keeps all of her holiday snowmen up until spring, I have a different perspective on what used to be only Christmas decor in my house. I was thinking about that shift when I came across this charming little fabric snowman sitting on a bed of cinnamon sticks and moss. 

Someone at one time must have used him as a Christmas ornament because a Christmas ornament hook was strung through his neck scarf but the cinnamon sticks easily make him stand up.

Can't you just see a little series of snowmen doing a variety of different things?

Cinnamon sticks and gardening moss give this snowman a nice finishing touch.

Cinnamon sticks and gardening moss give this snowman a nice finishing touch.

And after a little stint hanging out in a tree, this little winter character can get a second wind on a mantle or a side table, still easily sitting on a bed of cinnamon sticks. A delicious side benefit, those cinnamon sticks smell nice, too!

Easy to make and the cinnamon sticks make the snowman self-standing.

Easy to make and the cinnamon sticks make the snowman self-standing.

If you want to make some, here is how the bottom looks. Just anchor the snowman with cinnamon sticks on either side and glue with a glue stick.

You bet I am thinking about making some of these for next year!


Cat Face Latte

I love cats so it's not much a stretch to think I see cats everywhere.

Sometimes they are there. Two of my rescues were hiding when I first saw them, one showing only the tip of an injured paw sticking out from under a planter on my deck.

The other one used to hide under cars in the parking when I walked around our central park so he was always just a dark ghost. The morning I was the last car in the parking lot, I opened my car door to make sure he wasn't under my car. I got to see him quite clearly then, he jumped right in and settled in the passenger side.

As I was walking into a local cafe, The Giddy Goat Coffee Shop in Rolla, MO for a humane society meeting, I thought I saw a familiar shape on the wall. I had to go back later to make sure it truly was what I thought I saw. Suppose it's a latte?

What do you think, can we make something similar in hot chocolate with a marshmallow?


Winter Salad Tomatoes

I have the hardest time ripping up tomato plants out of my garden at the end of Missouri's growing season. Tomato plants are perennials in warmer climates so part of me wants to keep the plants growing. I do remove all the green tomatoes and place them in a brown bag with an apple to ripen. It may take several weeks but eventually the tomatoes do turn color.

Although they don't have the flavor of summer-ripened tomatoes, they taste better than most picked too early to ship to groceries. Because they are a little tart, I like to eat my bag-ripened tomatoes in a salad with the sweetness of sliced avocados.
