Christmas Pickle Tradition

had to borrow a christmas pickle photo, i dropped and broke our christmas pickle. (charlotte ekker wiggins photo)

Christmas Pickle Tradition

While its origins are somewhat unclear, it's believed to have German roots and possibly originated in the United States.

According to the tradition, the pickle ornament is the last one to be hung on the Christmas tree, hidden among the branches. On Christmas morning, the first person to find the pickle ornament receives a special blessing for the upcoming year or a small gift.

This tradition has variations in different families or regions, where finding the pickle might result in the person receiving an extra present, being the first to open gifts, or being designated as the "lucky" one for the day.

Some have suggested that the tradition originated in Germany as a way for families to bring a bit of extra excitement to the holiday festivities. The tradition isn't widely known or practiced in Germany itself.

Do you follow the Christmas pickle tradition?
