Eastern redbud Delicious Garnish

Eastern redbud tree flowers are edible and make a lovely garden garnish.

Eastern redbud tree flowers are edible and make a lovely garden garnish.

Eastern redbud Tree Flowers Edible

When people think of growing plants in a garden for cooking, most people think herbs, or at least that is what a garden visitor told me during a recent visit. 

Besides herbs, I pointed out these lovely Missouri native trees that I carefully prune to grow in my garden. Eastern redbud trees have been grown as ornamental trees since the 1600s although some may not realize their buds are edible. Native Americans have used the flowers in dishes for centuries.

How to Use Eastern redbud Tree Flowers

Pick the flowers early in the morning. Make sure you are not picking from an area that has been treated with chemicals.

Wash gently with cold water. Let drip dry.

Store in refrigerator until you plan to use. Sprinkle on salads or other dishes for garnish.

The flowers will last in a storage container for a couple of days.
